Understanding the Role of Alimony in Divorce

When you are considering a divorce, one of your biggest considerations is your financial standing and future. For those who have a stable job, this may not be a- major concern or issue. However, if you are a homemaker, stay at home parent, or are simply unable to work, you may be worried about your ability to maintain your standard of life.

Fortunately, you have options when you are seeking a divorce and need help ensuring you have the financial support you need during this difficult situation. When this happens, alimony is often your best chance to protect yourself financially.

But what is alimony, and who can receive it?

Pursuing alimony can aid you in staying afloat financially in the overwhelming, confusing aftermath of your divorce. When you are in this complex situation, reach out to Atlanta’s alimony law firm, Chambers Family Law, to get the guidance you need during this difficult time.

What Is Alimony

What Is Alimony?

When you are married to another person, there is a chance that your relationship is not perfectly even. One person may work, while the other stays at home and takes care of the children. This division of labor may work during your marriage, but you may now be facing difficulties because of it. You may not have the resources to support yourself financially if you leave the marriage.

This is exactly what alimony is meant to help with. Rather than leaving you trapped in a marriage, alimony provides financial support for a spouse who does not have the tools, work history, or education to protect themselves.

If you pursue and are approved for alimony, a certain amount of your former spouse’s monthly income is paid to you for a set period of time. This may be on a temporary basis, such as for those who are training for a new job, or in some cases it may be permanent if you will never be able to work.

Eligibility for Alimony

Typically, alimony is available for you anytime that there is a large disparity between you and your spouse’s income during a divorce. This disparity can impact your quality of life, and so the judge may rule that you are eligible for alimony because of this.

You may also be eligible for alimony to further aid in caring for your children. While child support is also offered to help cover the cost of child care, alimony can also provide funds for the parent who may have specific needs as the caretaker of the children.

If you are unsure whether you are eligible for alimony, you may need to speak with a family law attorney in Atlanta before you make any decisions. Your Atlanta lawyer can guide you through your options, determine whether you are eligible for alimony, and have you gather evidence that shows you are eligible.

How a Lawyer Can Help You Get Alimony

How a Lawyer Can Help You Get Alimony

Even if you know you may be eligible for alimony, it can still be difficult to pursue. You may have no legal experience, and pursuing alimony before the judge can be an intimidating situation. However, an attorney can make this process easier and provide you the tools you need during the situation.

Your attorney will start with gathering evidence. They have resources you may not have access to and can calculate the disparity between you and your former spouse.

Once your claim is ready, your attorney is also vital for representing you in the courtroom. Without courtroom representation, it is easy to make a major mistake that can cost you dearly. These mistakes can even leave you rejected for the alimony you know you need. With an attorney on your side to represent you and your needs, you can potentially expect better results for your case.

Get Guidance from a Divorce Attorney

Getting alimony can feel like a difficult situation. When you are desperate to settle your divorce case and move on with your life, it is easy to forget how important alimony can be to protect yourself financially. Unfortunately, many people simply choose not to pursue alimony.

The good news is that a divorce attorney can help you through this difficult time. Your attorney can help you gather evidence throughout your case, and they can represent you in the courtroom so that you get the financial support you need during this difficult time.

At Chambers Family Law, we offer the guidance and resources you need to get the alimony you are you. If you have difficulties gathering the evidence you are due alimony and other issues, contact our team for a consultation. Your claim begins when you give us a call or fill out our online contact form below.